Gelp KTL strives to maintain high ethical and business standards related to its activity, and implement our best practices among our business partners. We expect our partners to comply with our requirements related to socially responsible business practices and will exert positive impact on our shareholders, clients and the communities within which we all operate. We also expect our suppliers to ensure operating excellence and continuous improvement in terms of their activity to meet all our expectations, in particular those relating to high quality of materials and services provided, timely deliveries and documentation completeness (e.g. shipping documents, labels and invoices). This document is a Quality Standard being the property of Gelp KTL sp. z o.o. based in Grodziec 424. It relates to key material / service providers and commissioned tests. A supplier is obliged to conform to applicable agreements, orders and ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements.
- Maintaining confidentiality:
Gelp KTL respects and protects confidentiality of the information provided by both our Clients and Suppliers, and expects the same commitment from its business partners. All data provided to a Supplier by Gelp KTL, in particular technical, industrial, production-related, business and financial information, is confidential. - Awareness:
A Supplier is obliged to train applicable personnel on all the requirements presented by Gelp KTL.
- Responsibility:
A Supplier is responsible to ensure conformance to all applicable environmental protection regulations, both in relation to the region where materials are manufactured and/or sold (Conflict Minerals) and in terms of all additional requirements, which also applies to the RoHS3 and REACH (EU) directives.
Supplier selection:
- initial phone conversation with a potential supplier;
- supplier’s submitting quality-related documentation, e.g. ISO certificates, approvals, etc.;
- sending an offer;
- trial purchase (it the person responsible selecting suppliers renders it necessary).

Supplier assessment:
At the end of each calendar year, a supplier receives the annual assessment results, which is one of the criteria for their re-qualification for the following calendar year. The annual assessment result identifies stable suppliers or those that should be audited or replaced with other suppliers available on the market. All possible non-conformances related to raw materials supplied, service level or meeting applicable deadlines are recorded in a dedicated system. Such non-conformances exert impact on assessment results and possible further cooperation with a give supplier. In order to guarantee consistent quality standards, a supplier authorises GELP KTL or an appointed third party to obtain access, during working hours, to manufacturing processes, quality control and documentation. GELP KTL is also authorised to conduct (system, process, product) audits to check whether the supplier’s quality assurance systems meet their requirements.

Audit on supplier’s site:
- new Supplier qualification;
- negative result of the Supplier assessment process;
- Supplier’s quality- and logistics-related issues;
- all other problems that may result in liquidity disruption.

Purchase / service provision orders are submitted to Suppliers via email on a dedicated form, or via a specified portal / system. Having received an order, a Supplier must confirm the order placed and specify an approximate delivery date. Such a Supplier is obliged to provide complete deliveries, in line with the deadlines confirmed. In case any problems connected with a delivery are anticipated, the Supplier must immediately the department that has placed the order of any anomalies that will affect the planned delivery. Such information must be provided well in advance to ensure continuity of the GELP KTL’s production processes. Any costs incurred due to a shipment delay, e.g. special transport costs, over- or under-shipment, production line stoppage due to late deliveries, will be passed onto the Supplier.
Delivered batch traceability:
In relation to all products delivered, a Supplier must establish and maintain product traceability procedures enabling them to precisely identify a suspect product based on its batch number.

Incoming inspection:
Gelp KTL will inspect all incoming, purchased goods/services in line with applicable in-house procedures and standards. Incoming inspections will include verification of all required documents (conformance to an order, packaging and labelling, documentation completeness), and may also include quality control for compliance with the specifications of the goods/services delivered.
Non-conforming order:
A non-conforming order sent by a Supplier may hinder certain processes, so it must be immediately corrected by the Supplier in line with applicable deadlines. Apart from the production process disturbance risk, such events pose other general risks and generate additional costs. In case a non-conforming delivery has already been shipped by the Supplier, Gelp KTL must be promptly informed of this fact.

Costs related to non-conforming deliveries:
In case a Supplier is unable to ensure correct delivery continuity or secure fulfilling their commitment towards Gelp KTL and, as a result, there may be other costs associated with receiving a non-conforming material, Gelp KTL expects the Supplier to reimburse any costs associated with the non-conforming material handling process estimated on the basis of the losses incurred. Additionally, in case the above-mentioned issues recur, Gelp KTL will be authorised to charge the Supplier with the complaint handling costs amounting to EUR 50 or an equivalent of this amount (as per the exchange rate published by the National Bank of Poland on the invoice issue date) plus any possible current complaint-related costs.
We will prepare a cost estimate,
suggest feasible solutions and
discuss cooperation opportunities.